Local structure of a phase-separating binary mixture in a mesoporous glass matrix studied by small-angle neutron scattering Adsorption from alkane+perfluoroalkane mixtures at fluorophobic and fluorophilic surfaces. II. Crossover from critical adsorption to complete wetting Neutron reflection has been applied to probe the nature and extent of adsorption from a mixture of (1Ϫx)n-hexaneϩx perfluoro-n-hexane against silicon substrates modified with alkylsilane ͑fluorophobic͒ or fluoroalkylsilane ͑fluorophilic͒ coupled layers. For an equimolar mixture (x ϭ0.5, 60.7 vol %͒ in the one-phase region at Tϭ30°C-removed both in temperature and composition from the upper critical point at 22.65°C and xϭ0.36-the structure was resolved at both fluorophobic and fluorophilic surfaces. Liquid mixtures with three different refractive index contrasts were used to reduce model ambiguity in the ensuing analysis. For both surfaces the composition profiles of the adsorbed liquids could be represented using two-layer slab models which included interlayer Gaussian roughness. For the fluorophobic surface, the thickness of the layer closest to the substrate is ϳ20 Å and composed of ϳ83 vol % n-hexane, and the second, more dilute layer has a composition profile which decays smoothly into the bulk over a range of ϳ100 Å. A similar result is found for the fluorophilic surface, but in this case the layer closest to the substrate is ϳ15 Å thick and composed of ϳ95 vol % perfluoro-n-hexane. Qualitatively similar behavior is found for adsorption from a mixture with xϭ0.7 against a fluorophobic substrate and for a mixture with xϭ0.2 against a fluorophilic substrate.