The temperature T and magnetic field H dependence of anisotropic in-plane ρ ab and out-of-plane ρc resistivities have been investigated in single crystals of the bilayer manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7. Below the Curie transition temperature Tc = 125 K, ρ ab and ρc display almost the same temperature dependence with an up-turn around 50 K. In the metallic regime (50 K ≤ T ≤ 110 K), both ρ ab (T ) and ρc(T ) follow a T 9/2 dependence, consistent with the two-magnon scattering. We found that the value of the proportionality coefficient B f it ab and the ratio of the exchange interaction J ab /Jc obtained by fitting the data are in excellent agreement with the calculated B ab based on the twomagnon model and J ab /Jc deduced from neutron scattering, respectively. This provides further support for this scattering mechanism. At even lower T , in the non-metallic regime (T < 50 K), both the in-plane σ ab and out-of-plane σc conductivities obey a T 1/2 dependence, consistent with weak localization effects. Hence, this demonstrates the three-dimensional metallic nature of the bilayer manganite La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 at T < Tc.