1 Tech nol ogy Fac ulty, Cumhuriyet Uni ver sity, Sivas, Tur key 2 En gi neer ing Fac ulty, Erciyes Uni ver sity, Kayseri, Tur key Sci en tific pa per http://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP1703193BThis study pres ents the de ter mi na tion of fuel re ju ve na tion times in a D-T fu sion breeder re actor fu elled with a mix ture of nat UO 2 and ThO 2 for multi-re use of nu clear fu els in CANDU-37 re ac tors. To de ter mine the ef fect of tho rium on the fuel en rich ment and re ju ve na tion times, neutronic anal y ses are per formed by in creas ing the per cent age of ThO 2 in the fuel mix ture from 10 to 35. The time-de pend ent neutronic cal cu la tions are car ried out in three stages. In the first stage, which is the fuel en rich ment or re ju ve na tion pro cess in the fu sion breeder re actor, the subcritical cal cu la tions of the fu sion breeder re ac tor fu elled with the fuel mix tures are per formed by us ing the MCNPX 2.7/CIN DER un der a fu sion neu tron wall load ing of 1 MWm -2 , cor re spond ing to neu tron flux of 4.444·10 13 cm -2 s -1 (en ergy of ev ery fu sion neu tron is 14.1 MeV). In the sec ond stage, which is the ther mal re ac tor anal y sis, the fuel rods en riched at the end of the first stage are placed in the CANDU-37 re ac tor, and the crit i cal calcu la tions of this re ac tor are per formed by us ing MCNPX 2.7 and MONTEBURNS codes sep a rately. The nu mer i cal re sults show that the neutronic val ues ob tained from both codes are very near each other. The third stage is the two-year cool ing pro cess of CANDU spent fu els. The val ues ob tained by nu mer i cal cal cu la tions show that this fu sion breeder re ac tor is self-suf fi cient in terms of tri tium and has a high per for mance in terms of en ergy mul ti pli cation as well as fuel re ju ve na tion and tho rium uti li za tion.Key words: fu sion breeder re ac tor, fis sile breed ing, fuel en rich ment, fuel re ju ve na tion, tho rium uti li za tion, CANDU re ac tor G. Bakir, et al.: Anal y sis of Fuel Re ju ve na tion Times in a Fu sion Breeder .