In the present paper we aim to analyse the ethical implications of digitalisation in the public administration system. The present day society is heavily influenced by the digital techniques and these techniques are now present in many aspects of our lives (social life, banking, shopping, healthcare and so on). The digital technologies are advancing quickly and, together with them, the process of digitalisation in public administration is moving fast forward. Compliance with the ethical norms on the digital public administration platforms is necessary, so that the citizens, the ultimate beneficiaries of these platforms, feel respected and secure while using them. Most of the times, the digital ethics principles and values are included in legal provisions. At the EU level the digital rights are being recognised and public policies are elaborated in order to insure their effective exercise. Of the Member States, Spain elaborated a very complex and useful Chart of Digital Rights. In Romania efforts are being made in order to speed up the digitalisation of public administration and one �government cloud� is estimated to become available in the near future. Facing these new realities, is necessary to respect specific digital ethics norms which regulate digital interactions interactions: the right of privacy, human dignity, trust, safety, well-being, information management and others and to keep in mind that digitalization is made for people and has to respect their values and rights.