ABSTRACT ABSTRACTThis paper describes the development of a fast, efficient, artificial neural network (ANN) based fault diagnostic This paper describes the development of a fast, efficient, artificial neural network (ANN) based fault diagnostic This paper describes the development of a fast, efficient, artificial neural network (ANN) based fault diagnostic This paper describes the development of a fast, efficient, artificial neural network (ANN) based fault diagnostic system (FDS) for the system (FDS) for the system (FDS) for the system (FDS) for the location of fault on transmission lines. The principal functions of this diagnostic system are location of fault on transmission lines. The principal functions of this diagnostic system are location of fault on transmission lines. The principal functions of this diagnostic system are location of fault on transmission lines. The principal functions of this diagnostic system are: : : : detection of fault occurrence, detection of fault occurrence, detection of fault occurrence, detection of fault occurrence, identification of faulted sections and classification of faults into types. This has been identification of faulted sections and classification of faults into types. This has been identification of faulted sections and classification of faults into types. This has been identification of faulted sections and classification of faults into types. This has been achieved through a cascaded, multilayer ANN structure using the back achieved through a cascaded, multilayer ANN structure using the back achieved through a cascaded, multilayer ANN structure using the back achieved through a cascaded, multilayer ANN structure using the back----propagation (BP) learning algorithm. This propagation (BP) learning algorithm. This propagation (BP) learning algorithm. This propagation (BP) learning algorithm. This paper shows that the FDS accurately identifies High Imp paper shows that the FDS accurately identifies High Imp paper shows that the FDS accurately identifies High Imp paper shows that the FDS accurately identifies High Impedance Faults, which are relatively difficult to identify with edance Faults, which are relatively difficult to identify with edance Faults, which are relatively difficult to identify with edance Faults, which are relatively difficult to identify with other methods. Test results are simulated and generated in MATLAB using Apo 132KV transmission line in Apo other methods. Test results are simulated and generated in MATLAB using Apo 132KV transmission line in Apo other methods. Test results are simulated and generated in MATLAB using Apo 132KV transmission line in Apo other methods. Test results are simulated and generated in MATLAB using Apo 132KV transmission line in Apo transmission substation, Abuja. These results amply demonstrate the capability of the transmission substation, Abuja. These results amply demonstrate the capability of the transmission substation, Abuja. These results amply demonstrate the capability of the transmission ...