The possibility of creating silicon bipolar high-power microwave transistors by the method of ion doping of monosilicon with B + ions through a layer of SiO2 and emitter windows in it with the subsequent introduction of P + ions into them and annealing in argon is shown. The developed process reduces the labor intensity of manufacturing and improves the frequency and power characteristics of transistors: increasing the cut-off frequency (collector current = 1.5 A) from 1.8 to 2.1 GHz and from 1.5 to 1.9 GHz (collector current = 2,8 A), output power from 20 to 21.3 W, power gain from 2.5 to 2.7, collector efficiency from 60 to 79.8 %. The formation of pockets of n- and p- type CMOS structures was considered using a mask of thermal SiO2 without a layer of Si3N4. The developed process reduces the labor intensity of manufacturing by ~ 21.5 % and increases the yield of CMOS microcircuit structures by ~ 4.5 %, thanks to a decrease in the residual stresses in monosilicon and the improvement of pocket doping methods.