A -saturating set of PG(N, q) is a point set S such that any point of PG(N, q) lies in a subspace of dimension at most spanned by points of S. It is generally known that a -saturating set of PG(N, q) has size at least c • q N − +1 , with c > 1 3 a constant. Our main result is the discovery of a -saturating set of size roughly ( +1)( +2) 2 q N − +1 if q = (q ) +1 , with q an arbitrary prime power. The existence of such a set improves most known upper bounds on the smallest possible size of -saturating sets if < 2N −1 3 . As saturating sets have a one-to-one correspondence to linear covering codes, this result improves existing upper bounds on the length and covering density of such codes.To prove that this construction is a -saturating set, we observe that the affine parts of q -subgeometries of PG(N, q) having a hyperplane in common, behave as certain lines of AG + 1, (q ) N . More precisely, these affine lines are the lines of the linear representation of a q -subgeometry PG( , q ) embedded in PG + 1, (q ) N .