A study of kinetic isotope effects and activation parameters indicates that, in the hydrolysis of phenyl chloroformate, acetate ion and pyridine act as nucleophilic catalysts. Both the spontaneous and pyridine catalysed hydrolyses of substituted phenyl chloroformates fit a Hammett plot. The effect of solvent polarity and added salt indicates that there is little charge separation in'the transition state for hydrolysis. The mechanism of reaction is discussed.THERE have been numerous investigations of basecatalysed ester hydrolysis but the reactions o f chloroformates, which have a carbonyl group more susceptible to attack than that of normal esters, have not been studied in such detail. The present paper reports a kinetic investigation of this reaction.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONAlkyl chloroformates undergo spontaneous hydrolysis in water and there is a change of mechanism from S32 to Sxl along the series methyl, ethyl, propyl, and i~opropyl.~ The evidence for this comes from a determination of the values of A H t , AS$, and AC,, which show variations associated with a change of mechanism. For the hydrolysis of phenyl chloroformate all the evidence favours an S N ~ mechanism but the rate-determining step may be formation of the tetrahedral intermediate or loss of chloride ion.for such a change in the reaction of substituted anilines with ethyl chloroformate from a plot of AH$ against AS: (which gives two, distinct, parallel lines) and from a Hammett plot using 0-constants. Electron-withdrawing substituents give a line of slope 1-57 and electron-donating groups one with slope 5.56. In a previous study of the hydrolysis of substituted phenyl chloroformates in aqueous acetone, elect ron-donating substit uents were found not to fall on a linear Hammett plot using 0 or 0-constants, and this could be interpreted in terms of a change of mechanism. However, all the other evidence (entropy-enthalpy correlations, kinetic isotope effects, and solvents effects) is against a change of mechanism.To study this matter further we determined the rate of spontaneous hydrolysis of substituted phenyl chloroformates in aqueous dioxan by monitoring the appearance of the substituted phenol spectroscopically.* The results obtained give a single, linear relationship between log Kobs and the Hammett ci constants, with substituents ranging from P-methoxy to $-nitro (Figure 1). The correlation coefficient Y for this line is 0.991, and so there is no evidence for a change of mechanism. The fact that there is correlation with 0 rather than c-constants indicates that there is little anionic character in the