Direct reduction of several pivalate esters to neopentyl ethers has been accomplished with boron trifluoride -s o d i l~n~ borohydride. The utility of the reduction reaction was illustrated ~vith esters Ic, IIb, and IVa. Under the same conditions, a selection ( I d , IId, and I V a ) of carbonate esters was found to be relatively resistant to reduction. In this respect, the carbonate esters resembled benzoate esters, and selective reduction of a Icetone ( I l d ) or another ester ( I V a --t I V b ) in their presence was possible. For comparison, one xanthate ester ( I e ) was allowed to react .with boron trifluoride -s o d i~~n~ borohydride, and only the corresponding alcohol ( l a ) was ~solated. Raney nickel desulfurization of xanthate l a was sho1v11 to provide alcohol la and hydrocarbo~l If as principal products.Prior studies of ester + ether reduction reactioils with diborane -boron trifluoride type reagents indicated that the alcohol segment of the ester influences the yield of ether \vhile the carbonyl portion can influence the ease of reduction. For example, a series of otherwise equivalent n-, s-, and t-butyl esters, when allowed to react \\-it11 boron trifluoride -sodium borohydride, \\rere transformed to the corresponding ethers \vith marlted increments in yield (7-76%) as alliyl branching adjacent to the ester alcohol group increased (2). Under the same conditions, benzoate esters were found to be essentially unaffected (1). T o define further the scope of these observations and to increase biological knowledge of steroidal ethers (e.g. see ref.3 ) , \ye have examined the reaction between boron trifluoride -sodium borohydride and several pivalate-and carbonate-type esters.Appropriate esters derived froin primary alcohol Ia \Irere chose11 for initial illode1 experiments. The requirements for 24-hydroxy-$3-cholane (Ia) \\.ere conveniently met by modifying a prior route (see ref. 2 for leading literature citations) t o this substance. Cholic acid \\-as oxidized to dehydrocholic acid by a modification of the Jones' chromic acid technique, and after Wolff-ICishner reduction, the $3-cholanic acid \\-as reduced with conlmercial diborane in tetrahydrofuran.* Treating alcohol In in pyridine solution 114th pivaloyl chloride gave ester Ib. Previous experience (2) suggested that reduction of pivalate I b \\ould provide neopentyl ether Ic in approxiinately 10% yield, and indeed 13% conversion was realized. Although the actual reagent used in this experiment was diborane -boron trifluoride,%ll subsequent reduction reactions \\;ere carried out \vith a boron trifluoride -sodiulu borohydride reagent.G Next, pivalate ester I I b , prepared from
'For part XA'X i n tltis series, refer to ref. 1. T h e present contribtction i s based o n part of the