In this paper the accurate relationships between the averaging procedure of a smooth function over 1D-fractal sets and the fractional integral of the RL-type are established. The numerical verifications are realized for confirmation of the analytical results and the physical meaning of these obtained formulas is discussed. Besides, the generalizations of the results for a combination of fractal circuits having a discrete set of fractal dimensions were obtained. We suppose that these new results help understand deeper the intimate links between fractals and fractional integrals of different types. These results can be used in different branches of the interdisciplinary physics, where the different equations describing the different physical phenomena and containing the fractional derivatives and integrals are used.MSC 2010 : Primary 28A80, 26A33; Secondary: 60G18, 26A30, 28A78 Key Words and Phrases: fractal object, self-similar object, spatial fractional integral, averaging of smooth functions on spatial fractal sets, Cantor set c