One approach to prioritise conservation efforts is to identify hotspots that are either species-rich or that harbour a high proportion of narrow-ranged species with varying functional roles. Given this, we have developed full ant species distribution models as tools for identifying biodiversity and hotspot areas in Mexico. We predicted ant species richness and potential areas of endemism using the more complete data available from across America (i.e., including both North America and South America) and habitat/ecological specificity (functional diversity) in a species distribution model (SDM). In Mexico, the ecoregions more relevant for ant species richness and endemism are Mesoamerica, Petenes, Sierra Madre Oriental, Trans-Mexican Volcanic, and the Sierra Madre Occidental. While for hypogeic and arboreal ants the hotspots were localized in the tropic biomes, for epigeic and subterranean ants, hotpots were most prevalent in the tropics and desert. Moreover, the geographical patterns suggest that some hotspots for ants converge with those hotspots proposed for other invertebrates and vertebrates.
Implications for insect conservation
Our study highlights the importance of hotspots areas for biodiversity conservation, and provides data and maps for ant conservation programs.