The present contribution gives an overview of several classes of element technology in large deformation problems. In particular, the non-linear enhanced strain method, the 23-Bar method and a recently developed reduced integration concept with hourglass stabilization is included in the discussion. It is shown in the present paper, that the hourglass contribution needed to stabilize the one Gauss point formulation can be chosen such that an equivalence with any of the three formulations mentioned in the above is obtained. The advantage of this observation is evident: stabilized one point formulations are extremely robust and much more efficient from the computational point of view than their fully integrated counterparts. In addition, the reformulation of non-linear mixed formulations as stabilization technique allows valuable insights into the still open problem of non-physical instabilities at the element level. Keywords: finite element technology, enhanced strain method, hourglassing, stabilization, finite elasticity and the hourglass modes were Key [34] and Kosloff & Frazier [40]. The latter approach, however, requires to solve several equation 1 Brought to you by | University of Arizona Authenticated Download Date | 5/30/15 12:53 PM Brought to you by | University of Arizona Authenticated Download Date | 5/30/15 12:53 PM