The research paper seeks to examine the relationship between organizational factors and technological factors in ERP post implementation success. The paper includes qualitative research that was conducted by means of a literature review, aimed at providing a better understanding of the specific organizational and technological factors in ERP post-implementation success. Findings indicate that technological and organizational factors have a huge influence on ERP post implementation success. Organizational aspects such as company management have to ensure they are fully committed and support the project to ensure its success. In addition, management must also ensure the plans are communicated and understood by the entire company. Lastly, the research also outlined that technologically, proper education and training on the use of the ERP systems has to be provided to all the users of the system, to ensure the effective and efficient use of the ERP system. The users will be able to use the ERP system effectively and therefore contribute to their fulfillment, which ultimately influences the project's implementation success. The limitation is based on the behavioral aspect in post-implementation of ERP, and how success can be promoted, which has not been dealt with. Some suggestions that arise include the fact that entities are required to utilize and accommodate technological as well as organizational factors in the beginning of the project, during the pendency of the project, and in the post-implementation of the ERP project to ensure its success.