A detailed pathway analysis of the chemical reaction system generating the Martian vertical ozone profile, Icarus (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.icarus. 2016.12.012 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Highlights• Determination of all significant O 3 producing and consuming pathways and quantification of their contributions in the Martian atmosphere with help of an automated computer algorithm.• O 3 production results from CO 2 and O 2 photolysis.• O 3 is consumed by catalytic cycles involving HO x (=H+OH+HO 2 ).• The Martian atmosphere can be divided into two chemically distinct re-gions according to the O( 3 P):O 3 ratio.• Vertical transport of O( 3 P) from upper layers downwards into the O 3 layer at around 50 km altitude provides an additional source of O x (=O+O 3 ), which is pivotal to the formation of the Martian O3 volume mixing ratio maximum.
AbstractAtmospheric chemical composition is crucial in determining a planet's atmospheric structure, stability, and evolution. Attaining a quantitative understanding of the essential chemical mechanisms governing atmospheric composition is nontrivial due to complex interactions between chemical species. Trace species, for example, can participate in catalytic cycles -affecting the abundance of major and other trace gas species. Specifically, for Mars, such cycles dictate the abundance of its primary atmospheric constituent, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), but also for one of its trace gases, ozone (O 3 ). The identification of chemical pathways/cycles by hand is extremely demanding; hence, the application of numerical methods, such as the Pathway Analysis Program (PAP), is crucial to analyze and quantitatively exemplify chemical reaction networks. Here, we carry out the first automated quantitative chemical pathway analysis of Mars' atmosphere with respect to O 3 . PAP was applied to JPL/Caltech's 1-D updated photochemical Mars model's output data. We determine all significant chemical pathways and their contribution to O 3 production and consumption (up to 80 km) in order to investigate the mechanisms causing the characteristic shape of the O 3 volume mixing ratio profile, i.e. a ground layer maximum and an ozone layer at ∼ 50 km. These pathways explain why an O 3 layer is present, why it is located at that particular altitude and what the different processes forming the near-surface and middle atmosphere O 3 maxima are. Furthermore, we show that the Martian atmosphere can be divided into two chemically distinct regions according to the O(