Quantum weakdynamics (QWD) as an SU (3)I gauge theory with the Θ vacuum term is considered to be the unification of the electroweak interaction as an SU (2)L × U (1)Y gauge theory. The grand unification of SU (3)I × SU (3)C beyond the standard model SU (3)C × SU (2)L × U (1)Y is established by the group SU (3)I . The grand unified interactions break down to weak and strong interactions at a new grand unification scale 10 3 GeV, through dynamical spontaneous symmetry breaking (DSSB); the weak and strong coupling constants are the same, αi = αs ≃ 0.12, at this scale. DSSB is realized by the condensation of scalar fields, postulated to be spatially longitudinal components of gauge bosons, instead of Higgs particles. Quark and lepton family generation, the Weinberg angle sin 2 θW = 1/4, and the Cabbibo angle sin θC = 1/4 are predicted. The electroweak coupling constants are αz = αi/3, αw = αi/4, αy = αi/12, and αe = αi/16 ≃ 1/137; There are symmetric isospin interactions.