To achieve an uncertainty of 0.25 mK in single-pressure refractive-index gas thermometry (SPRIGT), the relative pressure variation of He-4 gas in the range 30 kPa to 90 kPa, should not exceed 4 ppm (k=1). To this end, a novel pressure control system has been developed. It consists of two main parts: a piston gauge to control the pressure, and a home-made gas compensation system to supplement the micro-leak of the piston gauge. In addition, to maintain the piston at constant height, a servo loop is used that automatically determines in real time the amount of extra gas required. At room temperature, the standard deviations of the stabilized pressure are 3.0 mPa at 30 kPa, 4.5 mPa at 60 kPa and 2 mPa at 90 kPa. For the temperature region 5 K-25 K used for SPRIGT in the present work, the relative pressure stability is better than 0.16 ppm i.e. 25 times better than required. Moreover, the same pressure stabilization system is readily transposable to other primary gas thermometers.