The new isotope Re 189 has been produced by fast-neutron irradiation of osmium and by the (a,p) reaction on tungsten. The rhenium was separated chemically from the target material. Beta-ray, gamma-ray, and internal conversion spectra have been measured. The mass assignment is confirmed by the observation of eleven electromagnetic transitions in the Os 189 daughter, including the 30.8-keV isomeric transition (6h), all of which were known from the decay of Ir 189 . Rhenium-189 has a half-life of 23.4±1.0 h and emits betaray groups with end-point energies 1000, 780, and 725 keV, and probably others. Results of coincidence measurements lead to some new information about the level scheme of Os 189 . The effects of the expected rotation-particle coupling between low-lying K-l/2 and K=3/2 bands in Os 189 are discussed.