Modern SSCs combine low noise with high sensitivity and provide digital images with high dynamic and excellent linearity. Since these images are immediately available in a PC, SSCs have become a non-dispensable tool for on-line image processing and software driven automated TEM tuning [1]. Many experiments performed nowadays in the area of high resolution, low dose, holographic reconstruction, and EFTEM [2] would not be possible without the digital input coming from SSCs.Despite their excellent characteristics SSCs provide a restricted number of individual image points in respect to film. This turned out to be the most prominent disadvantage of SSCs especially for applications where highly resolved large specimen areas need to be captured. Tab. 1 shows a typical example for a biological application where an image detail of 4 nm (plasma membrane) needs to be resolved. Depending on the film material used, this resolution is matched more or less by a TEM magnification of ∼8,000x.