A research study on the three‐port DC–DC converters is done in this article. The proposed converter is a power electronic unit with a low‐voltage, high‐voltage, and battery port. The power of the input ports can be transferred to the output port simultaneously and individually. In this converter, the power can flow bidirectional. In other words, the battery can be charged not only by the low‐voltage port but also by the returned energy from the high‐voltage port. Hence, the proposed converter can operate in step‐up and step‐down modes. Continuous input current, the low voltage stress on semiconductors, and the low count of the devices are other advantages of the converter. These features and the benefits mentioned above make the proposed converter proper for hybrid energy systems. This converter is analyzed in continuous conduction mode, resulting in mathematical equations. To validate these theoretical analyses, a laboratory scale of the converter performs at 50 kHz, 200 W, and 115 V.