We review developments in the field of phototherapy in terms of the treatment wavelength, dosimetry and phosphor used for different dermatoses. We attempt to categorize skin lesions and diseases by morphology, focusing on conditions that can be treated using phototherapy and photochemotherapy. Recent research and review articles are studied, the treatments explained and information on phototherapy that is applicable to psoriasis and other diseases is tabulated. The clinical features, epidemiology, epitalogy and various types of psoriasis, together with the therapies available to treat them are reported. Needs-based research has been carried out on narrow and broad band UVB wavelength-emitting phosphors and psoralen combined with UVA (PUVA) depending upon the disease undergoing treatment. Somewhat detailed descriptions of the different types of therapies used in the treatment of psoriasis are given. Phototherapy is shown to be a good therapeutic option for various types of skin diseases. The use of natural therapy has diminished as more people move towards artificial phototherapy like narrow band UVB, broad band UVB, PUVA and targeted phototherapy. The main advantages of these treatments are that they are safe and reduce erythema following treatment. Regarding safety issue the targated phototherapy pay more attention towards researcher.