: In this study, we investigated the naphthalene poisoning cases using the archived medical records of patients who were referred to Loghman-Hakim Hospital in Tehran, Iran, from 2008 to 2018. In the 52 studied cases, the highest prevalence was observed in the age groups of below five years and 20 - 25 years. Eighteen (34%) patients had no symptoms, and in others, gastrointestinal problems were the most common complaints. None of the patients needed intubation, and no one was admitted to the intensive care unit. Hemolysis was observed only in one patient with a background of G6PD deficiency. The average length of hospital stay was one day, and all patients improved without any complications. In general, naphthalene poisoning is not highly prevalent in Iran and usually does not cause severe morbidity and mortality. However, it is an available substance and can cause serious complications, especially in children. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the clinical characteristics of these patients to improve the quality of health care.