Abstract-In VANETs, the number of vehicles communicates with each other in a network by sending the message from one node to another. While transmission a node can be farther from another node which takes more time with maximum number of hop counts. To enhance the efficiency of the system it is required to reduce the number of hop counts with less delay and more number of packets received at the destination. Considering this fact, a novel approach has proposed in this paper which focused on the essential parameters in the vehicular ad hoc network such as PDR and Delay. In the proposed method, the whole network is divided to reduce the number of delays and high Packet Delivery Ratio at the destination. For the simulation analysis, proposed technique is compared with other traditional FD, EPD, and BDSC protocols which ensure the coherence in the former technique. The results acquired after implementing the techniques are compared in terms of three different parameters i.e. PDR, HOP count and Delay. Moreover, it has concluded that proposed technique offers high packet delivery ratio, less number of hop counts and delay in the network. The PDR of the proposed work is 93.24% that proffer excel performance in the network.