Summary: Demand for vitamin D testing has been on a constant rise worldwide, partially due to mounting evidence linking vitamin D status to overall health and well-being. Currently available assays measure 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OHD), a major circulating form of vitamin D. Available methodologies include immunoassays and mass spectrometry based methods (LC-MS/MS). Until recently, the only immunoassays available for diagnostic use in the US have been DiaSorin radioimmunoassay (RIA) and an automated immunoassay on a LIAISON ® platform. Within the last year, Siemens and Abbott successfully launched immunoassays for determination of total vitamin D on their respective automated platforms, Centaur ® and ARCHITECT ® . Development of robust and precise Vitamin D immunoassays has historically been plagued with difficulty. One of the major challenges is development of specific antibodies against such a small antigen. Vitamin D is also highly hydrophobic molecule predominantly bound to vitamin D binding protein (DBP). It is likely, therefore, that immunoassays might be affected to varying extent by the DBP concentration. Adoption of LC-MS/MS into clinical laboratories has enabled development of accurate and almost fully automated methods that could handle increasing volume demands, especially in large volume reference laboratories. Smaller to mid-size hospital laboratories as well as physician offices have neither funds nor technical expertise to implement LC-MS/MS based testing. Our laboratory at the University of Chicago Medical Center has also seen increase in vitamin D volume and currently performs close to 20,000 25-OHD assays per year. We have recently developed an LC-MS/MS method for quantitation of 25-OHD 2 (obtained from plant sources) and 25-OHD 3 (endogenous and animal sources). Prior to acquisition of LC-MS/MS Kratak sadr`aj: Broj zahteva za odre|ivanjem vitamina D je u konstantnom porastu {irom sveta, delom zbog sve vi{e dokaza koji povezuju status vitamina D sa op{tim zdravljem. Trenutno raspolo`ivim testovima odre|uje se 25-hidroksi vitamin D (25-OHD), glavni oblik vitamina D u cirkulaciji. Po stoje}e metodologije uklju~uju imunometrijska odre |i vanja i tehnike zasnovane na masenoj spektrometriji (LC-MS/MS). Do nedavno, jedine raspolo`ive imunometrijske metode kori{}ene za dijagnostiku u SAD su bile DiaSorin radioimunoodre|ivanje (RIA) i automatizovano imuno odre|ivanje na LIAISON ® platformi. U toku pro{le godine Siemens i Abbott su uspe{no lansirali imunometrijske testove za odre|ivanje ukupnog vitamina D na svojim odgova raju}im automatizovanim platformama, Centaur ® i ARCHI-TECT ® . Razvoj robusnih i preciznih imunometrijskih testova za odre|ivanje vitamina D su, istorijski gledano, pratili problemi. Jedan od najve}ih izazova je razvoj specifi~nih antitela protiv malog antigena. Vitamin D je tako|e jako hidrofoban molekul predominantno vezan za vitamin D vezu ju}i protein (DBP). Stoga postoji verovatno}a da na imuno odre|ivanja u razli~itom stepenu mo`e da uti~e koncentracija DBP. Uvo|enje LC-MS/MS u...