Modernc atalysis takes advantage of aryl-based interactions to tune and control reactions. In the design of N-heterocyclic-carbene catalysts, both the electronic and steric nature of the nitrogen substituents play ac rucial role. Although hydrocarbon-based systems and especially aryl residues have contributed considerably to overcome multifaceted catalytic challenges, the unique propertieso fc arborane moieties, including delocalized charge,p otentialp lanar chirality,and well-known thermodynamic stability, offer unprecedented opportunities to develop new catalysts while being employed as aryl mimetics. We report as traightforwards yntheticr oute to an ovel zwitterionic triazolium-based N-heterocyclicc arbene( NHC) precatalyst bearing a7 ,8-dicarba-nido-undecaboranyl substituent. The catalyst's excellent activity and its broad applicability are demonstrated in aw ide rangeo fo rganocatalytic transformations. Comparison of the performance with known N-aryl NHC catalysts offers preliminary insights into the stereoelectronic nature of this nido-carboranyl substituent.