This research offers an insight into the main challenges and adverse effects of the restructuring of the primary health-sector in Indonesia. The Authors also set-up a universal-term of Healthcare and Social Security Agency called "Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan" in Indonesian. This "BPJS Kesehatan" (or BPJS) expands the scope of healthcare, confronts crucial challenges and unexpected implications, including budgetary deficits, resistance from medical professionals, and the propensity of decision-makers. In the New Public Management (NPM) process, we found that the introduction of the insurance program was primarily motivated by the interests of decision-makers and international bodies to the detriment of a sustainable national healthcare system. This report contributes to the health-policy change literature and contradicts the basic values of healthcare programs. The survival of the medical profession in Indonesia is also under attack. The Authors provides a variety of recommendations for the adoption of better policies in this area in developed countries.