Nickelocene adsorption onto Ag͑100͒, Ni͑100͒, and NiO͑100͒/Ni͑100͒ surfaces was studied with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy at 135 K for monolayer and multilayer coverages of NiCp 2 . On the relatively inert Ag͑100͒ surface, nickelocene physisorbs molecularly, with its molecular axis perpendicular to the surface plane. Exposure to the reactive Ni͑100͒ surface results in the decomposition of nickelocene into acetylene and acetylene-like fragments and, when this surface is warmed to 273 K, carbide contamination is observed. There is evidence for double-bond carbon on nickelocene-exposed NiO͑100͒, and vinyl and propenyl fragments are the most likely decomposition products on this surface. At very large exposures, adsorbed nickelocene is molecularly condensed and, therefore, produces similar thin films on all three surfaces.