Formation of enzymatically active [NiFe] hydrogenases is dependent on a number of posttranslational steps, including metal attachment to a precursor of the catalytic subunit, truncation of a small C-terminal peptide from the precursor, and oligomerisation of the subunits. Two amino acid replacements were introduced by site-directed mutagenesis at the C-terminal proteolytic cleavage site of HoxH, the Nicontaining subunit of the cytoplasmic NAD-reducing hydrogenase of Alcciligenes eutrophus H16. Replacement of Ala465, the first residue of the 24-amino-acid cleaved polypeptide, by Pro yielded a form of HoxH that was blocked in C-terminal proteolysis. This HoxH subunit, although capable of binding Ni, was blocked in formation of a stable tetrameric holoenzyme. In the second mutant, the C-terminal extension of HoxH was eliminated by substituting the Ala codon for a translational stop codon. Although this mutant subunit was able to form the oligomeric holoenzyme, it was devoid of Ni. Both mutant proteins contained only traces of H,-activating functions. H2-dependent reduction of NAD and benzylviologen, and D,/H+-exchange activity were almost completely abolished, while the NADH oxidoreductase activity, mediated by the diaphorase moiety of the hydrogenase, was retained. These results allow the following conclusions : the C-terminal extension of HoxH is neccessary to direct specific Ni insertion into the hydrogenase; subunit assembly to the holoenzyme is not dependent on Ni insertion; and a precursor with the C-terminal peptide is not competent for assembly. Spectroscopic data on various [NiFe] hydrogenases indicate that Ni is directly involved in H, activation (reviewed in 1141). The first crystallographic analysis of a periplasmic [NiFe] hydrogenase from DesulJbvihrio gigas uncovered Ni coordination by two pairs of N-terminal and C-terminal cysteine residues in the large subunit, which are fully conserved in the corresponding HoxH subunit of A. eutrophus SH. A second metal, Fe, is located close to the Ni and shares one cysteine of each pair as bridging ligands. In addition, the Fe appears to be coordinated by three diatomic non-protein ligands. This bimetal center is deeply buried inside the hydrogenase dimer [I 51. Moreover, the X-ray data for the D. gigas hydrogenase showed that the small subunit harbours one [3Fe-4S] and two [4Fe-4S] clusters in a linear arrangement. This subunit is acting as an electron-transfer protein. A conesponding function is assigned to HoxY, the sinall subunit of the SH dimer. This polypeptide, however, is substantially smaller than its [NiFe] hydrogenase counterpart, since it only contains the N-terminal [4Fe-4S] cluster domain [6].
KeywordsMutational analyses of hydrogenase-related genes have shown that in various bacteria the structural genes are closely linked to sets of accessory genes that encode auxiliary proteins involved in the biosynthesis of active [NiFe] hydrogenases (reviewed in [I, 16, 171). These proteins appear to participate in Ni insertion, proteolytic C-terminal proces...