Various lipid-lowering drugs have been shown to reduce serum cholesterol and serum triglycerides effectively. In view of trials indicating that lipid-lowering drugs may reduce cardiac morbidity and mortality but not the overall mortality in the study group, increased attention must be focused on potential harmful side effects during treatment with these agents. The adverse effects of many of the principal drugs in this category are discussed. Gastrointestinal symptoms, usually self-limited and reversible, are the most common side effects. Potential harmful adverse effects include drug interactions (cholestyramine), myopathy and hepatic injury (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors), and increased gallstone formation and ventricular arrhythmias (clofibrate). Not all lipid-lowering drugs have been studied adequately on a long term basis, so that medications given for an indefinite period must be reevaluated frequently. However, there are several agents that lower serum lipid levels effectively and that have been used for more than 20 years without serious side effects.