The specific heat of pure lead titanate
crystals grown by the float-zone method is reported at temperatures of 325–1250 K. The
excess specific heat associated with the ferroelectric phase transition was analysed using a
2–4–6 Landau potential to self-consistently determine the Curie–Weiss temperature, the
transition points, the total transition enthalpy, as well as the latent heat and entropy
discontinuity at the first-order phase change. The temperature ranges over which various
excess thermodynamic quantities obeyed the mean-field predictions of the Landau theory
were investigated. The coefficients of the Landau potential were also determined, and the
results compared to corresponding measurements made on pure polycrystalline lead
titanate specimens. The implications of the results with respect to prior discrepancies
reported for the first-order character of the phase transition in lead titanate crystals are