Abstract.Little is known about seepage wetlands, located within agricultural landscapes, with respect to removing nitrate (NO 3 À ) from agricultural catchments, mainly through gaseous emissions of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) and dinitrogen (N 2 ) via denitrification. These variables were quantified using a push-pull technique where we introduced a subsurface water plume spiked with 15 N-enriched NO 3 À and 2 conservative tracers [bromide (Br À ) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 )] into each of 4 piezometers and extracted the plume from the same piezometers throughout a 48-h period. To minimise advective and dispersive flux, we placed each of these push-pull piezometers within a confined lysimeter (0.5 m diameter) installed around undisturbed wetland soil and vegetation. Although minimal dilution of the subsurface water plumes occurred, NO 3 À -N concentration dropped sharply in the first 4 h following dosing, such that NO 3 À -limiting conditions (<2 mg/L of NO 3 -N) for denitrification prevailed over the final 44 h of the experiment. Mean subsurface water NO 3 À removal rates during non-limiting conditions were 15.7 mg/L.day. Denitrification (based on the generation of isotopically enriched N 2 O plus N 2 ) accounted for only 7% (1.1 mg/L.day) of the observed groundwater NO 3 À removal, suggesting that other transformation processes, such as plant uptake, were responsible for most of the NO 3 À removal. Although considerable increases in 15 N-enriched N 2 O levels were initially observed following NO 3 À dosing, no net emissions were generated over the 48-h study. Our results suggest that this wetland may be a source of N 2 O emissions when NO 3 À concentrations are elevated (non-limited), but can readily remove N 2 O (function as a N 2 O sink) when NO 3 À levels are low. These results argue for the use of engineered bypass flow designs to regulate NO 3 À loading to wetland denitrification buffers during high flow events and thus enhance retention time and the potential for NO 3 À -limiting conditions and N 2 O removal. Although this type of management may reduce the full potential for wetland NO 3 À removal, it provides a balance between water quality goals and greenhouse gas emissions.