The traditional biological denitrification
process has the problems
of low removal rates and lack of a carbon source when treating wastewater
with high ammonia nitrogen concentration and a low carbon–nitrogen
ratio. Based on a bio-electrochemical system (BES), a novel carbon
cloth bipolar plate multicompartment electroenhanced bioreactor (CBM-EEB)
system was constructed. In this study, nitrogen removal efficiency
and enrichment of functional bacteria using CBM-EEB under different
voltage conditions were investigated. The results from next-generation
sequencing indicated that the CBM-EEB included heterotrophic nitrification
and aerobic denitrification (HNAD) and was dominated by heterotrophic
nitrification aerobic denitrifying bacteria (HNADB). The applied voltage
was confirmed as having the ability to regulate the microbial community
structure and abundance of functional genes, thereby further enhancing
the nitrogen removal efficiency of the system. The total nitrogen
removal efficiency was 77.70 ± 1.14, 87.10 ± 0.56, 86.40
± 0.59, and 89.30 ± 0.53% under applied voltages of 0.4,
0.7, 1.0, and 1.3 V, respectively. All values were significantly higher
than the control group (62.86 ± 2.06%). HNADB had the highest
abundance among the 17 detected genera related to nitrogen metabolism.
Facultative denitrifying bacteria, Pseudoxanthomonas, along with key
bacteria of HNADB, such as Flavobacterium, constructed a shortcut
simultaneous nitrification–denitrification (SND) process. Poisson
analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that the applied voltage
improved the denitrification efficiency by changing the microbial
community structure, reducing the abundance of heterotrophic bacteria,
and increasing the unit abundance of key functional genes so that
less organics were required for the denitrification process. The increased
nitrogen removal efficiency in the experimental group was mainly related
to simultaneous nitrification–denitrification process and cooperation
of microbial communities in the anode and the cathode. This study
highlighted the feasibility of CBM-EEB to enhance the HNAD reaction
and the response of wastewater with a low C/N ratio to enhance the
abundance of microbial bacteria and their functional gene abundance.