The results presented in this paper were developed from comparisons of the growth and phosphorus fractions in cotton plants grown in high-and low-P solutions: (a) Plants with bolls in sand cultures were sampled at 35 and 87 days to measure growth and to obtain data on carbohydrate and nitrogen fractions, alcohol-soluble and total phosphorus, and mineral constituents; and (b) plants without branches or bolls in water cultures were sampled at 34 and 61 days for the phosphorus fractions: inorganic, soluble organic, nucleic acid, protein, and total organic. Phosphorusfractionation data are reported, also, for 10-day-old ovules and mature seed kernels.During grain development, the highly determinate cereals draw heavily on phosphorus previously stored in the stems and leaves. As shown in the succeeding paper (7), the cotton plant when growing upon a fertile soil develops its reproductive tissues largely on the basis of a continued uptake of phosphorus with only minor exhaustion of the phosphorus of the leaves and stems. With the withdrawal of the phosphorus supply, however, the P concentrations in the vegetative tissues are found in this paper to be only a fraction of that when the P supply is ample. This latter finding is in keeping with results of Arnon and Hoagland (2), who grew tomatoes for five weeks in complete nutrient solutions and then transferred half of the plants to minus-P solutions. The tomato plants ma(le only one-fifth as much growth and the -oung leaves at the end contained only a fifth as much phosphorus (the old leaves only one-fifteenth as much) as the corresponding leaves on their control solutions. Deflowering approximately doubled the growth of the low-P plants. Arnon, Stout, and Sipos (3) found that fruit of tomatoes had a "physiological priority" in the accuimulation of radio-active phosphorus. Pirson The water-culture solutions were changed at irregular intervals and extra P was added to the low-P solutions in order to support some growth of the plants. Between solution changes, the volumes were maintained by adding deionized water. The proportions of Ca, MAg, K, N, P, and S in Hoagland's solution correspond well (6) with the proportions found in cotton plants grown on fertile field soils. In renewing the soltutions, this factXwas borne in mind and, also, that 20 liters of Hoagland solution should produce a 500-gm cotton plant (fresh weight includling the roots) if all nutrients were taken up.