Certain mutations at the glnB locus result in the failure to fully derepress glutamine synthetase [L-glutamate:ammonia ligase (ADP-forming), EC] and to convert it to the active nonadenylylated form in response to nitrogen limitation. In these mutants the P11 regulatory protein is altered such that it cannot be converted by uridylyltransferase to the form stimulating deadenylylation of glutamine synthetase by adenylyltransferase. Additional mutations as well as insertions of transposon Tn5 at the gInB site result in the loss of P11. The loss of PI, does not prevent adenylylation and deadenylylation of glutamine synthetase but reduces the rates of these reactions. Cells lacking PII have a high level of glutamine synthetase even when they are grown with an excess of ammonia and the enzyme is highly adenylylated. The results suggest that the PII protein plays a role, independent of its effect on adenylylation, in the regulation of the level of glutamine synthetase. The biosynthetic activity of glutamine synthetase [L-glutamate:ammonia ligase (ADP-forming), EC] in enteric bacteria is progressively decreased by the specific covalent attachment of adenylyl groups to each of its 12 subunits (1). This reversible modification is catalyzed by the enzyme adenylyltransferase (ATase). Adenylylation is stimulated by the small (44,000 dalton) regulatory protein PITA (2). Deadenylylation is stimulated by PIID, a uridylylated form of PIIA. The interconversion of PIIA and PIID is catalyzed by uridylyltransferase (UTase) and uridylyl-removing enzyme(s).Glutamine stimulates the adenylylation reaction as well as the conversion of PID to PITA; 2-ketoglutarate inhibits adenylylation but stimulates the deadenylylation reaction and the conversion of PITA to PIID. Glutamine inhibits the latter two reactions. Thus, the relative amounts of PITA and PIID and the adenylylation state of glutamine synthetase are determined in a reciprocal manner by the concentrations of these two metabolites; these in turn are determined by the availability of nitrogen in the cell. When growth is limited by the nitrogen source, the level of 2-ketoglutarate is high, the level of glutamine is low, and the adenylylation state of glutamine synthetase is low. When growth is limited by some other component, such as carbon, glutamine is high, 2-ketoglutarate is low, and the adenylylation state of glutamine synthetase is high (3). In addition, the synthesis of glutamine synthetase is regulated by the availability of nitrogen. During nitrogen-limited growth the level of glutamine synthetase is high, whereas during carbonlimited growth the level of glutamine synthetase is low (3,4).We have studied the regulation of the level and the adenyl- MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacterial Strains. All strains are phage Pl-sensitive derivatives (5) of K. aerogenes MK-1 (6). Media have been described (7).Genetic Techniques. Generalized transduction was carried out as described by Goldberg et al. (5) with phage P1clrLO0CM (obtained from B. Tyler). Lysates of donor st...