The nuclear-spin-relaxation rate 1/T1 has been measured in a bilayer electron system at and around total Landau level filling factor ν = 1. The measured 1/T1, which probes electron spin fluctuations, is found to increase gradually from the quantum Hall (QH) state at low fields through a phase transition to the compressible state at high fields. Furthermore, 1/T1 in the QH state shows a small but noticeable increase away from ν = 1. These results demonstrate that, as opposed to common assumption, the electron spin degree of freedom is completely frozen neither in the QH nor compressible states.The bilayer electron system at total Landau level filling factor ν = 1 (1/2 in each layer) have been continuously drawing intensive research interest because of its unique phase diagram [1,2]. Two parameters play crucial role: the ratio of the intralayer to interlayer Coulomb interactions, given by the ratio between the interlayer distance d and the magnetic length l B = /eB (and hence controlled by the magnetic field B), and the tunneling gap ∆ SAS . For d/l B below a certain critical value, strong interlayer interactions lead to a many-body quantum Hall (QH) state even in the limit of zero tunneling gap, supported by spontaneous interlayer coherence [3]. When intralayer interactions dominate at larger d/l B , in contrast, the QH state collapses into a compressible state having lower intralayer correlation energy even for finite ∆ SAS [4]. Recent interests have focused on the nature of the phase transition between these limits. Interlayer tunneling [3] and Coulomb drag [5] experiments carried out on samples with vanishingly small ∆ SAS have revealed that below a critical d/l B the interlayer coherence develops somewhat continuously, in contrast to the result of a numerical study [6] that the transition is likely to be first order at any value of ∆ SAS . In spite of various theoretical models [7,8,9, 10] motivated by these findings, a comprehensive understanding is not yet achieved.In all these theories, it is routinely assumed that the spin degree of freedom is frozen by the Zeeman coupling to the magnetic field, and physics is governed solely by the pseudospin representing the layer degree of freedom. This assumption seems reasonable for the QH state, and is indeed verified by numerical calculation [6]. We note, however, that because of the small g-factor in GaAs, a monolayer two-dimensional electron system (2DES) at ν = 1/2 is not fully spin polarized in the relevant magnetic field region, B 10 T [11,12,13]. Hence, if the bilayer ν = 1 compressible state consists of two indepen- * Present address: Institute of Applied Physics, Hamburg University, Jungiusstrasse 11, D-20355 Hamburg, Germany. dent monolayers of 1/2 fillings, the phase transition must be accompanied by changes not only in the pseudospin but also in the spin configurations. While spin states in monolayer systems have been studied by various optical means [11], little is known about the spin states in bilayer systems, presumably because of the difficulty in i...