SUMMARY There are many positive aspects to the use of MRI in the evaluation of cerebrovascular disease. First, the MR imaging technique appears to be essentially without hazard. 26 It does not rely on ionizing radiation, and no intravenous injections of contrast agent are necessary. MRI exploits the tissue's inherent biophysical characteristics to provide superior contrast. Infarctions are well delineated by MRI, often better and earlier than CT.13 ' 15> M Because of the lack of MRI signal from bone and thus the lack of transverse artifact from bone often seen with CT, lesions in the posterior fossa are very well visualized.
21With MRI it is possible to obtain images in the transverse, coronal, and sagittal planes, which provides for good evaluation of lesion size and extent. 20 Arteriovenous malformations have been visualized by MRI, but it is still too early to know whether MRI has any detection capability over CT in this disorder. WHEN CERTAIN ATOMIC NUCLEI are placed in a magnetic field and stimulated by radiowaves of a particular frequency, they will re-emit some of the absorbed energy in the form of radio signals. This phenomenon is known as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and was first described in the 1940's, almost simultaneously, by Bloch 1 and Purcell. 2 Then, in 1973 Lauterbur 3 devised a method of determining the location of stimulated nuclei by spatially encoding the emitted signal so that it could be used to create an image of the distribution of nuclei within the sample. This resulted in the implementation of NMR imaging (MRI) of biological systems in living animals and humans. The clinical usefulness of MRI is now widely apparent.1 "
5Because protons (1H) are among the most easily detected of NMR-sensitive nuclei and because there is such a high concentration of proton-rich water and lipids in biological systems, especially the brain, most current clinical MRI is generated using the 1H resonance. The resultant image intensity is a function of the distribution of proton density, modified by the re- laxation times, Tl (spin-lattice) and T2 (spin-spin). The extent to which the parameters of proton density and Tl and T2 relaxation times contribute to image intensity can be varied by the use of different imaging methods, in particular different radiofrequency pulse sequences. MRI images are determined by the physical and chemical characteristics of tissues, as opposed to their pathology or anatomy. An understanding of the nature of the physicochemical properties underlying image intensity and knowledge of the imaging technique used are needed to appreciate fully the implications of the resultant images.
TechniquesThe principles of MRI 6 and details of pulse sequences 7 -8 have been outlined in detail elsewhere. Briefly, the most commonly used pulse sequences at present are inversion recovery (IR) and spin-echo (SE). With the inversion recovery technique the image intensity is related to T l . Water has a very long Tl; CSF, which behaves like water, has a relatively long Tl and appears dark on invers...