We calculate all major differential distributions with stable top-quarks at the LHC. The calculation covers the multi-TeV range that will be explored during LHC Run II and beyond. Our results are in the form of high-quality binned distributions. We offer predictions based on three different parton distribution function (pdf) sets. In the near future we will make our results available also in the more flexible fastNLO format that allows fast re-computation with any other pdf set. In order to be able to extend our calculation into the multi-TeV range we have had to derive a set of dynamic scales. Such scales are selected based on the principle of fastest perturbative convergence applied to the differential and inclusive cross-section. Many observations from our study are likely to be applicable and useful to other precision processes at the LHC. With scale uncertainty now under good control, pdfs arise as the leading source of uncertainty for TeV top production. Based on our findings, true precision in the boosted regime will likely only be possible after new and improved pdf sets appear. We expect that LHC top-quark data will play an important role in this process.