ABSTRACT. To evaluate the relationship between brain blood flow and ventilatory response to hypoxia, seventeen sedated, spontaneously breathing newborn piglets were studied. Minute ventilation (VE) was measured by pneumotachograph, cardiac output by thermodilution and total brain and brain stem blood flows with radiolabeled microspheres. Measurements were performed while the animals were breathing room air and after 10 min of hypoxia induced by breathing 10% Oz. Two patterns of ventilatory response to hypoxia were observed in the study animals. All animals increased VE during the 1st min of hypoxia, but nine (mean 2 SD; age 5 2 1.3 d; wt 1828 2 437 g) sustained increased VE after 10 min of hypoxia (T VE group). The remaining eight animals (age 5 f 1.2 d; wt 1751 k 168 g) had decreased VE at 10 rnin of hypoxia to values less than their room air baseline (J VE group). The decrease in Paoz during hypoxia was similar in both groups, however the Pacoz decreased significantly only in the TVE group. Although cardiac output increased significantly during hypoxia in both groups, the,values during normoxia and hypoxia were lower in the JVE group (p < 0.001). Arterial blood pressure increased significantly during hypoxia only in the TVE group. The increase in total brain and brain stem blood flows with hypoxia was similar in both groups, despite the two different patterns of ventilatory response to hypoxia. These data suggest that in this animal model the distinct patterns of ventilatory response to hypoxia are not related to the changes in total brain or brain stem blood flows that occur during hypoxia. (Pediatr Res 27: 327-331,1990) Abbreviations vE, minute ventilation CO, cardiac output BBF, total brain blood flow BSBF, brain stem blood flow RA, room air ABP, arterial blood pressure V,, tidal volume Cdyn, dynamic lung compliance
Rb pulmonary resistanceThe ventilatory response to hypoxia during the first days after birth is characterized in humans and several animal species by a transient initial increase in ventilation (1-2 min), followed by a marked decline in vE to values slightly above or below prehypoxia basal values (1-6). The mechanism responsible for this biphasic response to hypoxia has not been completely elucidated. Various neurotransmitters or modulators released during hypoxia such as endorphins, y-aminobutyric acid, prostaglandins, and adenosine have been suggested as possible mediators of the late decrease in ventilation (2,7-10). Other possible explanations have included changes in lung mechanics, a decrease in the metabolic rate, respiratory muscle fatigue, and inhibition of peripheral chemoreceptors (3, 1 1 -14). The increase in cerebral blood flow that occurs in response to hypoxia can induce a decrease in P C O~ and Hf in the CNS extracellular fluid and this may also account for the decrease in respiratory drive (15). Conversely, the absence of a normal cardiovascular response and the increase in cerebral blood flow that normally occurs during hypoxemia can aggravate CNS hypoxia and lead to CNS de...