The tomato Cf-9 gene confers race-specific resistance to the fungal pathogen Cladosporium fulvum expressing the corresponding avirulence gene Avr9 . In tobacco, Cf-9 confers a hypersensitive response to the Avr9 peptide. To investigate Cf-9 protein function in initiating defense signaling, we engineered a functional C-terminal fusion of the Cf-9 gene with the TAP (Tandem Affinity Purification) tag. In addition, we established a transient expression assay in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves for the production of functional Cf-9:myc and Cf-9:TAP. Transiently expressed Cf-9:myc and Cf-9:TAP proteins induced an Avr9-dependent hypersensitive response, consistent with previous results with stably transformed tobacco plants and derived cell suspension cultures expressing c-myc-tagged Cf-9. Gel filtration of microsomal fractions solubilized with octylglucoside revealed that the Cf-9 protein, either as c-myc or TAP fusions, migrated at a molecular mass of 350 to 475 kD. By using blue native gel electrophoresis, the molecular size was confirmed to be ف 420 kD. Our results suggest that only one Cf-9 protein molecule is present in the Cf-9 complex and that Cf-9 is part of a membrane complex consisting of an additional glycoprotein partner(s). The high structural similarity between Cf proteins and Clavata2 (CLV2) of Arabidopsis, together with the similarity of molecular mass between Cf-9 and CLV complexes (420 and 450 kD, respectively), led us to investigate whether Cf-9 is integrated into membraneassociated protein complexes like those formed by CLV1 and CLV2. Unlike CLV2, the Cf-9 protein did not form disulfidelinked heterodimers, no ligand (Avr9)-dependent shift in the molecular mass of the Cf-9 complex was detected, and no Rho-GTPase-related proteins were found associated with Cf-9 under the conditions tested. Thus, Cf-9-dependent defense signaling and CLV2-dependent regulation of meristem development seem to be accomplished via distinct mechanisms, despite the structural similarity of their key components Cf-9 and CLV2.
INTRODUCTIONA major goal in plant pathology is to understand the molecular mechanism of disease resistance. In gene-for-gene interactions, a plant disease resistance gene ( R gene) confers resistance to invading pathogens that carry the corresponding avirulence ( Avr ) gene. Despite the cloning of numerous R genes in recent years, progress in understanding R protein function in Avr perception and signal transmission has been comparatively slow. It has been postulated that R gene products are receptors for pathogen-encoded Avr components (Staskawicz et al., 1995;Ellis et al., 2000). However, direct physical interaction in an R/Avr combination has been reported only for the Pto and Pi-ta R gene products using the yeast twohybrid system (Scofield et al., 1996;Tang et al., 1996) and an overlay assay (Jia et al., 2000). This and several other lines of evidence suggest that R proteins are part of protein complexes, with additional protein partners participating in Avr perception and subsequent signal initiation ...