The cerium α-γ phase transition is characterized by means of a many-body Jastrow-correlated wave function, which minimizes the variational energy of the first-principles scalar-relativistic Hamiltonian, and includes correlation effects in a non-perturbative way. Our variational ansatz accurately reproduces the structural properties of the two phases, and proves that even at temperature T = 0K the system undergoes a first order transition, with ab-initio parameters which are seamlessly connected to the ones measured by experiment at finite T . We show that the transition is related to a complex rearrangement of the electronic structure, with key role played by the p-f hybridization. The underlying mechanism unveiled by this work can hold in many Ce-bearing compounds, and more generally in other f-electron systems.PACS numbers: 71.20.Eh, 71.27.+a, 02.70.Ss Understanding the anomalous behavior of cerium, the prototypical f -electron system, is one of the main challenges in condensed matter physics. The 4f electrons are strongly localized and their on-site Coulomb repulsion is large compared to bandwidth. Among all lanthanides, cerium is particularly fascinating, due to the strong hybridization with the 6s6p5d bands, all present at the Fermi level. The origin of the cerium volume collapse along the isostructural α-γ transition has been a puzzle since its discovery in 1927 [1]. A microscopic comprehensive description of the transition is still lacking, because a direct comparison with the measured structural properties requires an accuracy below 10 meV. This challenges any ab-initio method, particularly in a regime of strong correlation. Model calculations have been performed in the Mott[2], Kondo [3,4] and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) [5-9] frameworks, with input parameters either chosen ad-hoc or derived from first-principles density functional theory (DFT) and cRPA calculations [10]. Fully first-principle electronic structure schemes, such as DFT [11] or GW [12], grasp some features of the α and γ phases, but the quantitative agreement with experiment is generally quite poor.Experimentally, pure cerium undergoes the α-γ transition always at finite temperature T . Recently, very accurate X-ray diffraction measurements undoubtedly confirmed the first-order Fm3m isostructural character of the transition [13]. The first-order line extrapolates to zero-T at negative pressures. Nevertheless, the T =0K determination of its phase diagram is extremely important as it can shed light on the underlying electronic structure mechanism of the transition, and clarify some critical points still under debate. For instance, some experiments with cerium alloys seem to find a critical low-T end-point on the α-γ phase boundary [14], where the effect of alloying is expected to provide a negative chemical pressure on the cerium sites. However, it has also been proven that the end-point of the critical line can be tuned down to zero T by changing the bulk modulus through alloying, thus opening the way of new low-T scenarios, lik...