1Therapeutic applications of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing have spurred innovation in Cas9 2 enzyme engineering and single guide RNA (sgRNA) design algorithms to minimize potential off-3 target events. While recent work in rodents outlines favorable conditions for specific editing and 4 uses a trio design to control for the contribution of natural genome variation, the potential for 5 CRISPR-Cas9 to induce de novo mutations in vivo remains a topic of interest. In zebrafish, we 6 performed whole exome sequencing (WES) on two generations of offspring derived from the 7 same founding pair: 54 exomes from control and CRISPR-Cas9 edited embryos in the first 8 generation (F0), and 16 exomes from the progeny of inbred F0 pairs in the second generation 9 (F1). We did not observe an increase in the number of transmissible variants in edited 10 individuals in F1, nor in F0 edited mosaic individuals, arguing that in vivo editing does not 11 precipitate an inflation of deleterious point mutations. 12
Generating and sequencing CRISPR-Cas9-edited F0 and F1 individuals 35We focused on three different genes (anln, kmt2d, and smchd1) for which (a) we have 36 substantial experience in this model organism and (b) which give reproducible, quantitative 37 defects in kidney morphogenesis (Hall et al., 2018), mandibular and neuronal development 38 (Tsai et al., 2018), and craniofacial morphogenesis (Shaw et al., 2017). For each locus, we used 39 sgRNAs that had the following three characteristics. First, for each of the three genes, we 40 selected an sgRNA with demonstrated high efficiency (100%) and an sgRNA with low efficiency 41 (~30%), as determined by heteroduplex analysis and Sanger sequencing of cloned PCR 42 products (Hall et al., 2018; Shaw et al., 2017; Tsai et al., 2018) (Suppl. Figure 1). Second, we 43 mandated that all sgRNAs have a high specificity score (MIT specificity score 79-99 for each 44 sgRNA; Suppl. Table S1). Finally, we required that each sgRNA was predicted to generate off-45 target effects with low cutting frequency determination (CFD) scores (mean = 0.17, range = 0-46 0.73; Suppl. Figure 2). 47 289