“…The studies have focused on the responses of rats to various threatening test stimuli, some natural and some more controllable: potential predators (e.g., R. J. Blanchard, Blanchard, Rodgers, & Weiss, 1990), attacking conspecifics (e.g., D. C. Blanchard & Blanchard, 1990a), play-fighting conspecifics (e.g., Pellis, 1988), male conspecifics approaching the nest site (e.g., Stern & Kolunie, 1991), prey (e.g., Pellis et al, 1988), grid shock (Lester & Fanselow, 1992), and dangerous inanimate objects (e.g., . Our own ethoexperimental studies assess the defensive reactions of rats to an airblast (Experiment 1) and to an unfamiliar inanimate object (Experiment 2).…”