A generic link is a 2-component link L=(k1,k2) in S3, such that none of the components is unknotted, and such that the complement of the link contains no annulus whose boundary is the union of an essential circle on ∂N(k1) and an essential circle on ∂N(k2). Let μ1 and μ2 be the meridian slopes of k1 and k2 respectively. If the non-trivial (β1,β2)-surgery on L yields S3, then by the complement theorem, β1≠μ1 and β2≠μ2. We find a bound for min (Δ(β1,μ1),Δ(μ2,β2)), where Δ(μi,βi) is the distance between the slopes μi and βi on ∂N(ki)(i∈{1,2}). The bound depends on the bridge number of L.