We introduce an analytically treatable discrete time quantum walk in a one-dimensional lattice which combines non-Markovianity and hyperballistic diffusion associated with a Gaussian whose variance, σ 2 t , growing cubicly with time, σ ∝ t 3 . These properties have have been numerically found in several systems, namely tight-binding lattice models. For its rules, our model can be understood as the quantum version of the classical non-Markovian 'elephant random walk' process, for which the quantum coin operator only changes the value of the diffusion constant though, contrarily to the classical coin.a. Introduction. The random walk problem has been a cornerstone in the classical description of systems for which a deterministic approach is either impossible or too complex to be carried out in an efficient way. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium problems like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, belief propagation, genetic and search algorithms or pricing financial derivatives [1][2][3][4][5] are systematically understood as a random walk in phase-space of the respective system. The first fundamental property of a random walk process, X = {X t }, concerns the time dependence of the variance, σ 2 t ∝ t. Second, because it derives from a Bernoulli process, the random walk, abides by the ubiquitous Markovian property [6], according to which a memoryless random process is defined as a orderly succession of events where the conditional probability distribution of the future state X t (discrete time t > t 0 ) does only depend on its present state, P (X t | X t−1 , . . . , X t0 ) = P (X t | X t−1 ).While in the classical treatment of a Physical system probability is above all a tool for getting quantitative answers, in quantum theory, probability is intrinsic [7] and thus quantum walks emerged as the formal quantum equivalent to random walks [8,9]. Physically, quantum walks describe situations where a quantum particle is moving on a discrete grid, which allows simulating a wide range of transport phenomena [10][11][12][13][14] including the description of some types of topological insulators and yields an important approach in quantum computing processes [15][16][17] . In other words, the particle dynamically explores a large Hilbert space, H P , spanned by its positions on a lattice corresponding to basis states {|l }, (l ∈ Z), that is augmented by a Hilbert space, H C , spanned by the particle internal statese.g. a two-dimensional basis {|↑ , |↓ }. The evolution of a quantum walk on the full Hilbert space, H ≡ H C ⊗ H P , is ruled by the combined application of two unitary operatorsÛwhereÎ is the identity operator on the H P subspace. Bear- * giuseppe.dimolfetta@lis-lab.fr ing in mind the analogy of quantum walks with the classical random walk, the operatorĈ acts on subspace H C and plays the same role as the coin. For that reason, it is named quantum coin and the internal states related to the subspace H C the coin states. On the other hand, the shift operator, S, is state-dependent and following Ref.[8] readŝAssuming the quantum coin...