The structure of extrinsic defects in topologically ordered states of matter
is host to a rich set of universal physics. Extrinsic defects in 2+1
dimensional topological states include line-like defects, such as boundaries
between topologically distinct states, and point-like defects, such as
junctions between different line defects. Gapped boundaries in particular can
themselves be \it topologically \rm distinct, and the junctions between them
can localize topologically protected zero modes, giving rise to topological
ground state degeneracies and projective non-Abelian statistics. In this paper,
we develop a general theory of point defects and gapped line defects in 2+1
dimensional Abelian topological states. We derive a classification of
topologically distinct gapped boundaries in terms of certain maximal subgroups
of quasiparticles with mutually bosonic statistics, called Lagrangian
subgroups. The junctions between different gapped boundaries provide a general
classification of point defects in topological states, including as a special
case the twist defects considered in previous works. We derive a general
formula for the quantum dimension of these point defects, a general
understanding of their localized "parafermion" zero modes, and we define a
notion of projective non-Abelian statistics for them. The critical phenomena
between topologically distinct gapped boundaries can be understood in terms of
a general class of quantum spin chains or, equivalently, "generalized
parafermion" chains. This provides a way of realizing exotic 1+1D generalized
parafermion conformal field theories in condensed matter systems.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Some of the results here are also summarized in
arXiv:1304.7579; v2: strengthened braiding results and mapping to genons,
updated refs/acknowledgment