toxicology, animal models are as much misleading as they are helpful. Half of the results are wrong (Ioannidis, 2005) -we only don't know which half… But the statement "half are wrong" is probably rather optimistic.
Evidence versus opinion in toxicologyI am a strong advocate of evidence-based approaches, not least because I was one of the initiators of Evidence-based Toxicology (EBT) and the respective Collaboration and hold the first
IntroductionFor the 10 th anniversary of Food for Thought … in ALTEX, it seemed appropriate to summarize what we have learned on this journey with respect to the core subject of this journal: the need for alternatives to animal experimentation. The series has mostly focused on toxicology, but here the aspects that apply also to drug development and basic research shall be considered.Sure, we need animal models -when we want to study animals. For example, we have to test drugs for animals in animals. However, when studying human physiology, pharmacology and Food for Thought ...
Opinion Versus Evidence for the Need to Move Away from Animal Testing
Thomas HartungJohns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), Baltimore, MD, USA, and University of Konstanz, CAAT-Europe, Konstanz, Germany
SummaryScience is based on facts and their discourse. Willingly or unwillingly, facts are mixed with opinion, i.e., views or judgments formed, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. This is often necessary, where we have controversial facts or no definitive evidence yet, because we need to take decisions or have to prioritize. Evidence-based approaches aim at identifying the facts and their quality objectively and transparently; they are now increasingly embraced in toxicology, especially by employing systematic reviews, meta-analyses, quality scoring, risk-of-bias tools, etc. These are core to Evidence-based Toxicology. Such approaches aim at minimizing opinion, the "eminence-based" part of science. Animal experiments are the basis of a lot of our textbook knowledge in the life sciences, have helped to develop desperately needed therapies, and have made this world a safer place. However, they represent only one of the many possible approaches to accomplish all these things. Like all approaches, they come with shortcomings, and their true contribution is often overrated. This article aims to summarize their limitations and challenges beside the ethical and economical concerns (i.e., costs and duration as well as costs following wrong decisions in product development): they include reproducibility, inadequate reporting, statistical under-powering, lack of inter-species predictivity, lack of reflection of human diversity and of real-life exposure. Each and every one of these increasingly discussed aspects of animal experiments can be amended, but this would require enormous additional resources. Together, they prompt a need to engineer a new paradigm to ensure the safety of patients and consumers, new products and therapies.