We introduce hom-associative Ore extensions as non-unital, nonassociative Ore extensions with a hom-associative multiplication, and give some necessary and sufficient conditions when such exist. Within this framework, we construct families of hom-associative quantum planes, universal enveloping algebras of a Lie algebra, and Weyl algebras, all being hom-associative generalizations of their classical counterparts, as well as prove that the latter are simple. We also provide a way of embedding any multiplicative homassociative algebra into a multiplicative, weakly unital hom-associative algebra, which we call a weak unitalization.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 17A30, 17A01. Key words and phrases. hom-associative Ore extensions, hom-associative Weyl algebras, homassociative algebras. Definition 2.1 (Hom-associative algebra). A hom-associative algebra over an associative, commutative, and unital ring R, is a triple (M, ·, α) consisting of an R-module M , a binary operation · : M × M → M linear over R in both arguments, and an R-linear map α : M → M satisfying, for all a, b, c ∈ M ,Since α twists the associativity, we will refer to it as the twisting map, and unless otherwise stated, it is understood that α without any further reference will always denote the twisting map of a hom-associative algebra.Remark 2.2. A hom-associative algebra over R is in particular a non-unital, nonassociative R-algebra, and in case α is the identity map, a non-unital, associative R-algebra.Furthermore, if the twisting map α is also multiplicative, i.e. if α(a · b) = α(a) · α(b) for all elements a and b in the algebra, then we say that the homassociative algebra is multiplicative.Definition 2.3 (Morphism of hom-associative algebras). A morphism between two hom-associative algebras A and A ′ with twisting maps α and α ′ respectively, is an algebra homomorphism f : A → A ′ such that f • α = α ′ • f . If f is also bijective, the two are isomorphic, written A ∼ = A ′ .