ExperimentalResidual stress distributions and their relaxation via plastic deformation and the formation of dislocations was characterized with Polychromatic X-ray microdiffraction (PXM). PXM was performed with the 3D X-ray crystal microscope using a modified Laue diffraction method based on polychromatic radiation. [4,8] This approach allows for true 3D mapping of crystalline phase, orientation, elastic strain and plastic deformation with unprecedented spatial resolution. The differential-aperture microbeam technique [8] allows mapping of the crystal structure orientation and distortions with sub-micron spatial resolution in three dimensions. This method allows a micrometre-scale resolution with depth (along the path of the incident beam). At each depth the data are obtained by computer reconstruction for each pixel of the CCD. Details on the experimental setting and data collection can be found elsewhere. [4,8] Data collection has been carried out using microbeam Laue diffraction on beamline 34ID at the APS.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) was performed using Philips XL30.Autogenous welds of thin superalloy sheets with the size of 50 × 70 × 0.8 mm were prepared at 1.5 kw with continuous wave Nd-YAG laser in two different crystallographic direction, parallel and perpendicular to the dendrite orientation in the plane of the sheet. Different processing conditions were used: power was varied in the interval of 300-850 w; welding velocity in the interval of -2.1-21.2 mm/sec. The increasing demands for higher performance and more severe application conditions have been the main driving forces for wider use of titanium alloys for engineering components. The main reason for that is a favourable combination of properties like high specific strength, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. However low resistance to oxidation at high temperature and poor tribological behaviour are the main reasons that very often surface treatment is applied for elements made of titanium alloys in order to obtain surface layer having favourable properties. PVD methods lead to formation of intermetallic or compound layers (e.g. TiN, TiC, Ti 3 Al, TiAl, Al 2 O 3 ) with thickness of the order of several lm. As the result of thermochemical treatment (e.g. nitriding, carbonitriding) hardened diffusion layer is formed, at the top of which intermetallic or compound layer can also be present (e.g. TiN). These phases have high Young's modulus and can be treated as perfectly elastic. Because of high value of elastic modulus and very low plastic deformability of the layer, when large tensile stresses are present, microcracks appear in the layer. They induce stress concentration that leads to local plastic deformation of the substrate at the macroscopic tensile stress value below its yield strength. [1,2] Plastic deformation of the substrate is additional factor decreasing durability of the layer because of delamination and flaking. [2,3] This phenomenon was most frequently studied for indentation and fri...