Active systems are
made of agents, each of which takes energy from
the environment and converts it to directed motion. Therefore, by
construction, these systems function out of equilibrium and cannot
be described using equilibrium statistical mechanics. Though the most
studied aspect has been the collective motion of active particles,
the motion at the individual particle level in crowded media is also
of prime importance. Examples include the motion of bacteria in hydrogels,
single cell migration as a way to search for food or escape from toxic
agents, and synthetic active agents transporting through soft crowded
media. This review presents an overview of our understanding of single
active probe dynamics in crowded media from computer simulations.
The active probe is a Janus or a dumbbell-shaped particle, and the
medium is made of crowders that are either sticky or repulsive to
the probe and could be frozen or mobile. The density and the topology
of the crowders also play an important role. We hope our in silico
studies will help to elucidate the mechanism of activity-driven transport
in crowded media in general and design nanomachines for targeted delivery.