The mesoscopic properties of a plasma in a cylindrical magnetic field are investigated from the view point of test-particle dynamics. When the system has enough time and spatial symmetries, a Hamiltonian of a test particle is completely integrable and can be reduced to a single degree of freedom Hamiltonian for each initial state. The reduced Hamiltonian sometimes has unstable fixed points (saddle points) and associated separatrices. To choose among available dynamically compatible equilibrium states of the one particle density function of these systems we use a maximum entropy principle and discuss how the unstable fixed points affect the density profile or a local pressure gradient, and are able to create a steep profile that improves plasma confinement.Being able to sustain a steep density profile in hot magnetized plasma is one of the major key points to achieve magnetically confined fusion devices. These steep profiles are typically associated with the emergence in the plasma of so-called internal transport barriers (ITB) [1, 2]. Both the creation and study of these barriers have generated numerous investigations mostly numerical using either a fluid, or magnetic field or kinetic perspective or combining some of these. In this paper starting from the direct study of particle motion, we propose a simple mechanism to set up a steep profile which may not have been fully considered yet. Indeed, charged particle motion in a non-uniform magnetic field [3-9] is one of main classical issues of physics of plasmas in space or in fusion reactors. To tackle this problem the guiding center [7] and the gyrokinetic [8] theories are developed to trace the particle's slower motion by averaging the faster cyclotron motion. These reductions suppress computational cost and they are widely used to simulate the magnetically confined plasmas in fusion reactors [6]. These reduction theories assume existence of an invariant or an adiabatic invariant of motion associated with the magnetic moment. Meanwhile, this assumption does not always hold true. Then, recently, studies on full particle orbits without any reductions are done to look into phenomena ignored by these reductions and to interpolate the guiding center orbit. There exists a case that a guiding center trajectory and a full trajectory are completely different [10]. Further, it is found that the assumption of the invariant magnetic moment breaks [11,12] due to the chaotic motion of the test particles. * † Xavier. Let us quickly review the single particle motion and adiabatic chaos. We consider a model of charged particle moving in a non-uniform cylindrical magnetic field B(r ) = ∇ ∧ A 0 (r ). The vector potential A 0 (r ) is given bywhere the cylinder is parametrized with the coordinate (r, θ, z), B 0 is strength of the magnetic field, z has 2πR perperiodicity, e θ and e z are basic units for each direction, and q(r ) is a winding number called a safety factor of magnetic field lines. The Hamiltonian of the particle H = v 2 /2...