Infections caused by protozoa belonging to the (17/80,.2) of the tested samples and T. gondii DNA in 15% (12/80,. Moreover, 6.2% (5/80,) samples contained DNA of both protozoan. The presence of N. caninum nucleic acids was not observed in tested samples. However, 21,2% (17/80, IC: 12,2) das amostras testadas e DNA de T. gondii em 15% (12/80, IC: 7,8). Em 6,2% (5/80, IC: 2,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]9), foram detectados DNA de ambos os protozoários. Todas as amostras positivas no PCR (23, IC: 14,1)